
Top 5 reasons why babies cry

There can be many reasons why infants cry, but let me share with you the most common of them (based on personal experience):

1/ They are hot - many parents tend to dress their babies excessively, for fear they will be cold. My advice here: think how you would feel in their clothes. If you would be hot, they will be hot too!
2/ They are hungry - it's always my first try. Only if it doesn't work, I move to something else.
3/ They are sleepy - sometimes, the babies are so tired, that they cannot fall asleep. There are not too many things you can do - try the pacifier, make sure it's dark enough in the room and maybe play some relaxing music at low volume.
4/ They suffer a pain - teeth, tummy - try to identify the source and, if necessary, contact the pediatrician for advice.
5/ They are bored - Babies don't usually enjoy being alone for long periods of time. They want attention and they will ask for it in any way they can :)

What are your top 5 reasons? :)

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to be a baby! :)
    Good luck with the blog!
