
The Advantages of Positive Parenting

Positive parenting is not exactly a new concept, but it's been getting more popular in recent years. This is the type of parenting that focuses on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing unwanted behavior.

The key to this type of parenting is to go out of your way to notice it when your child does something you like. Too many parents simply take this for granted, and only pay attention when the child acts up in some way.

Suppose, for example, that you have told your five-year-old son to put his toys away. Yet he has only put away a couple of them, leaving the rest in the middle of the room. Rather than scolding him about the toys he hasn't put away, praise him for the ones that he has cleared. You might say something like, "Look how nice that toy looks on its shelf. Wouldn't it be great if all of them were nice and neat like that?"

There will be times when you get frustrated with your child's behavior. This is normal, and no parent can be 100% positive all the time. There are also times when a child has to be disciplined. Contrary to what some people believe, positive parenting isn't the same thing as permissive parenting.

The difference is that with positive parenting, you don't focus on punishment or try to scare the child into obeying. You communicate with him or her as a fellow human being and explain why something has to be done a certain way.

Threats and fear-based punishment may seem to work in the short term, but in the long run the child will only learn to be more clever about not getting caught when he or she disobeys. Research actually shows that positive parenting is more effective at developing healthy and well adjusted children than other methods.

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